Cifi: Cells Idle Factory Incremental

The Game

Cifi: Cells Idle Factory Incremental is an early access games developed by Octocube games. The game is currently only available on Android. The title of the game is fairly self explanatory – we have a sci-fi themed idle game based around generating “cells” and more generators that generate more cells. You start off with MK1 generators which generate cells, you then proceed to buy MK2 generators which generate MK1 generators, which as we already know make cells – this cycle underpins the entire game.

The games has several other currencies that you progressively build up in a variety of ways, it also has a good deal of upgrades you can make to various things in order to increase your cell production. The aspect of the game that really sold it to me was the loop mod research tree. “Loop Mods” are the game’s prestige element, so when you’ve reached a point where you think you are better off resetting you perform a loop and invest your accrued mod points into powerful upgrades. As with all idle games, it’s essentially just a lot of upgrades that make numbers go up – but it’s also so much more and when a completionist gamer such as myself sees a tree like that – I am hooked.

As you progress and acquire more cells you can invest them into a variety of ships, each ship is responsible for a different menu and shop. Each shop has new upgrades or currencies to be collected to help improve your earnings. If all of that wasn’t enough the game also has a couple of arcade mini-games, namely Cubeboy Snek and Bling Blong which may bare resemblance to games you already know.

Worth it?

The ad-free version will set you back around £4.99, this will allow you use the 2x cells booster permanently and collect token and diamond gem chests without watching videos. There are also several other packs and options, but this one is definitely the best value and a great way to support the devs. The tokens are especially worth it as it makes the token shop a lot more accessible without having to watch videos.

The game is also still in development with constant new additions, new ships and new ways to grind even cells. The game goes incredibly deep and has gigantic potential to keep you busy for ages. Each play session may not be necessarily be very long, but the long term unlocks and features will keep you coming back for ages. It would be nice to see a little bit more connection between the arcade game and the main game, for example getting some tokens from it. It would also be nice to have a confirmation pop up before purchasing Zagreus as it can be quite easy to click on purchasing it, rather than saving it for later in the run.

Overall the game has an amazing amount of depth, the loop tech tree on its own will keep you hooked until you get all the upgrades, partner that with the increasingly expensive spaceships, each unlocking a new currency or way to grind makes this an absolute must play for any idle game fanatics out there.


  • Find the balance between short and long runs – in the beginning, before unlocking shard mining you may find yourself doing more short runs in order to accumulate more mod upgrades.
  • Each time you loop make sure you invest in mod point production – either through shortening ticks, increasing the MP production or reducing the tick requirement exponent.
  • Try to avoid getting the Zagreus on longer runs as other upgrades or things you may purchase may increase MP – the loop/MP accumulation process only begins when you purchase it. (Sometimes this is easier said than done as it’s quite easy to miss-click and purchase it)
  • Evolving your ships gives them a permanent boost that persists through loops.
  • In the early game use your level up points to increase the MP you get per loop.
  • You can also get MP upgrades in the diamond and coin shop – prioritise these.

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Pokémon Emerald Rogue ROM Hack

The Game

Pokémon Emerald Rogue (developed by Pokabbie) is a ROM Hack that turns your favourite franchise into a roguelike. Similar to other familiar games in the genre you navigate routes making careful choices. On the procedurally generated routes you can encounter wild Pokémon with which to build your team, trainers and items. There are also several other types of location that you may encounter – strong trainers, who will give you one of their Pokémon if you beat them, Legendary or strong Pokémon encounters and market/shop locations (there are 3 types of shop – market, battle items and a full rest stop which even has a heal).

At the end of each route and level you will encounter a mighty trainer – before you beat the game once these will be specific to Hoenn, but after you beat the champion once you will unlock gym leaders and Elite 4 from more regions. Additionally after beating the champion you also unlock the national dex giving you access to Pokémon up to Gen 8! If you a Pokémon faints on a run it is gone forever and if you lose all your Pokémon the run ends. When the run ends you are returned to your HUB, which where you can purchase permanent bag items (TMs, potions, balls, berries, etc) – as you complete more quests and runs the HUB will upgrade and offer you more options, for example the safari zone where you can catch a new starter to take on your next adventure.

There are several kind of adventure – the standard roguelike experience described, the gauntlet where you build a team then take on all trainers in one go at level 100, rainbow mode where gym leaders can have any type of Pokémon. Each of these can be played as both single or double battles, giving you a great deal of replay value. Every time you complete a run you earn cash to spend in your HUB which will allow you to do better in your next run, there are also numerous quests that will permanently improve the HUB or give you access to new items, berries or rare candies.

Worth it?

As with all ROM Hacks this game is 100% free. The amazing community and passionate fans of Pokémon deserve so much more than they expect. Personally I play this on my phone using a GBA emulator (My Boy!), the premium version of which will cost you around £5, but will let you play any ROM you want, so definitely worth the investment (there is also a free lite version). If you are playing on PC then there are even more free options for you to explore.

The game itself is brilliantly challenging and while you can cheat a bit with save states on the emulator it is worth experiencing it for it’s true brutal self. For those who enjoy nuzlocks and even those who don’t it is a very rewarding experience. Having Pokémon and moves all the way up to Gen 8 gives this game a huge amount of depth. A great offline mobile or PC game that will tickle your Pokémon nostalgia while also satisfying your itch for roguelikes, deep strategy and a good challenge.


  • There are 3 types of route – CALM, AVERAGE and TOUGH – the tougher the route the more trainers and items there will be.
  • The second word describing routes refers to the type of Pokémon you can find on it.
  • One of the houses in the HUB will allow you to customise the config for your runs – allowing you to enable different Pokedexes or gym leaders/elite four.
  • Make sure you fight the challenger before each gym leader – they will quickly bring you to the level cap.
  • Try to avoid fights on routes as they could potentially kill one of your Pokémon.
  • You can use rare candies to over level before gym leaders.
  • By pressing “A” on the page with a Pokémon’s Stats will show you it’s IVs and EVs.
  • Anything you buy in the HUB you can carry into your next run, which is very useful with items like Leftovers

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Rogue Adventure: Roguelike RPG

The Game

Rogue Adventure: Roguelike RPG is an Android game developed by SharkLab Mobile. While the graphics may come across as quite basic or unassuming, don’t be fooled by this incredibly deep roguelike. The game follows much of the standard roguelike elements and a huge variety of playable classes and cards to unlock. Each run sees you take on 5 levels followed by a secret boss level. Occasionally you will also find hidden boss levels within normal ones.

Currently there are 3 ways to play the game – Classic, Hell or Void. Classic is a standard run through of the game, after you complete it with a class you can then start attempting Inferno levels – these make enemies stronger and give you more starting gold. Hell mode gives you less rewards, doesn’t recover health after a boss, enemy damage increases every 5 turns, trap rooms and more. Void is basically a quicker and simplified map with a random deck. Inferno levels are available for all modes after you complete a run.

The game has an incredible 13 classes to choose from, each unlocked by completing runs with other classes and each with it’s unique traits, abilities and cards. Each class also has 3 class bonuses that can be unlocked by completing other types of run (most often you are required to beat each mode at Inferno 2 to unlock an ability). The classes range from traditional ones like Warrior and Wizard to slightly more obscure ones like Pirate, Rune master and Warden.

Worth it?

While the game does offer ads for additional cash or EXP, the ads are entirely optional and non-intrusive. Purchasing the ad removal is a touch on the expensive side – £8.49, but this does allow you to get a free gold chest in every market room and is also a great way to support the developers.

Overall the game is great for any rogue-like fans out there, it’s a great mobile game both as a free to play and a paid game. The amount of characters and unlockables will also keep you coming back for more giving the game decent replay value. The game is also fully functional offline and quite efficient in terms of battery usage. It would be nice to see the game come to iOS as well.


  • Overcharging and additional mana are key to really buffing your stats in a fight.
  • Quest cards can be quite useful when upgraded to the max.
  • You can purchase skills from the shops, try do so every time you visit one.
  • Keep your deck lean and focus on cards that synergise well with your other cards and class
  • Avoid fights where possible.
  • Learn enemy attach patterns, try to armor up if you know they will attack and watch out for special moves or abilities.

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Hundred Days – Winemaking Simulator

The Game

Hundred Days – Winemaking Simulator is a beautifully simple and cosy simulation game about making wine (as is quite obvious from the title). Developed by Broken Arms Games, the story follows a woman who leaves the busy city life in order to make a mark on the world of winemaking – something she doesn’t know much about, but through the assistance of the experienced winemakers of the vineyard, quickly becomes second nature.

The game’s simple yet beautiful aesthetic compliments the simple mechanics – each action or operation on your vineyard is represented as a “tetris” style block which you must place in a grid before ending the the turn and advancing time.

Worth it?

The game will set you back around £25, but you can find it on sale or CD keys for around half of that. The game is also available for free with the PS Plus Premium tier. The campaign and story only last 100 turns/days, which does feel like quite a short time, but you have the option of playing endless after that. This is where you can really explore all the game has to offer in terms of research, upgrading your various buildings and production line, purchasing new plots of land to work and the various wines you can make.

Overall it’s definitely a nice cosy game that will keep you busy for a few hours at a time. Longer term it is a bit repetitive and once you’ve unlocked the majority of the research tree it loses it’s replay value a bit. This makes it a little hard to justify the full cost of the game, but the aesthetics, music and overall vibe of the game make it a great game to unwind, relax and enjoy a nice glass of wine with – even if only for a few evenings.


  • Upgrading your shop and warehouse to allow you to sell to more customers and do special orders
  • Unlock more of the grid before purchasing additional plots of land to work
  • You can stagger when your wines will be ripe by pruning them differently
  • Trial and error – a lot of the game is about trial and error to find the perfect process for each type of win – some require aging, others don’t
  • You don’t always need to hit the ideal levels for each wine to get a good score
  • Make sure you finish seasonal work within the season to avoid impacting the quality of your wines and any upcoming work

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The Game

Megaquarium is an aquarium management and simulation game from Twice Circled. The game lets you take control of an aquarium and you must manage various aspects to grow it into a thriving attraction. This includes designing the layout of the aquarium, selecting and caring for a variety of aquatic animals, hiring and managing staff, and keeping the visitors happy.

The game features various aquatic species, each with its own specific needs in terms of water quality, food, and tank conditions. Ensure that the needs of the fish are met, which involves managing water quality, temperature, and other factors. There are also constraints of the available space and budget, making strategic decisions regarding expansion and investment.

As you progress through the game, you earn money from ticket sales and can use this to purchase new tanks, fish, and decorations. There are new technologies and equipment to be unlocked that allow for more complex and efficient aquarium setups. The game includes a campaign mode with 10 increasingly challenging scenarios as well as a sandbox mode where you can build the aquarium with fewer constraints.

Worth it?

On Steam the game will set you back around £10 on sale (although it can be quite expensive if not), while on PS4 you can get it for as little as £4.49. The game is quite addictive and allows for a good deal of customisation of your aquarium setups. One thing it lacks (at least on the PS4 version) is a consistent autosave feature, which given there are some occasional crashes (on PS4) makes it very frustrating when you suddenly lose a huge amount of progress.

The simple low poly art style and vibrant colours do make it quite fun to look at and you can zoom in to view your aquarium as if you were one of the guests. Overall the game has the ability to keep you playing for hours despite it’s surface level simplicity. The decoration and customisation options will let you make the aquarium of your dreams (that you probably never had). If something can be done for PS4 crashes and autosaving at a regular interval it would be a must play.


  • Use zoning to efficiently distribute staff.
  • Staff’s traits will make them better at certain jobs – for example memory is good for cleaning and repair works, while empathy and precision is good for feeding and the gift shop.
  • Upgraded pumps can power multiple tanks, allowing you to have a big control room that supplies 2 or 3 tanks.
  • Place seating and bins throughout the aquarium.
  • Check the guest thoughts to monitor your prestige – if somethings is wrong in one of the tanks you will lose prestige whenever guests see it.
  • When choosing podium talks go for prestige ones as that’s the hardest to earn.
  • Keep fish and tank decorations varied to avoid guests getting bored.

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The Game

Peglin by Red Nexus Games is a rogulike take on the classic pachinko game Peggle. The game is available on Android and PC and will challenge you to take on a familiar style of roguelike, especially for those familiar with games like Slay the Spire, Card Guardians or Dicey Elementalist. There are 3 main levels in which the player makes a series of choices deciding whether to take on an enemy, an elite, random events, treasure chests or shops. At the end of each level is a boss, stronger than anything you’ll have faced so far in the level.

Unlike most card-based roguelike games the main thing you are collecting and powering up are the balls (orbs) you use. There’s a variety of orbs, powers and synergies to work with and build around, there’s also a huge variety of relics to find by battling elites, bosses and opening chests. Similarly to other such games you can collect a lot of relics that will allow you make some truly unstoppable builds.

Worth it?

The game is available on both PC (£15.49) and mobile, however it’s significantly cheaper on mobile (£6.99). While the actual gameplay experience is better on PC the game works quite well on mobile. It is quite an expensive game when you consider most other android games, but there’s a try before you buy section which is essentially the first act. While as a demo it’s not a lot to get stuck into, as a full game there’s a reasonable amount of replay value. There are a total of 3 characters to play, two of which you have to unlock by making either a Bullwark or Spinfection build.

Overall the game is a unique take on very familiar roguelike mechanics. The underlying pachinko game provides a different and more random take than the more traditional card approach to such games. It also adds a degree of unpredictability when navigating the map between fights. The pixel art works very nicely too. While it comes with a premium price tag for mobile and forces to you to play in landscape it is a decent offline game that will keep you busy for extended playing sessions – interrupting/closing your game may reset you to the start of the current room, but other than that it’s worth checking out for anyone who loves a good roguelike.


  • Aim to fight as many of the elites (skull and crossbones) as you can per act as they drop better relics than.
  • Try to synergise the orbs that you collect.
  • Swoltorb (upgrades every peg it hits) works quite well with most builds.
  • Poltorbgeist and Matryorbshka are also noteable strong orbs worth adding to your build.
  • Ball Lightning (hits nearby pegs) works well will Swoltorb and can be very useful late game.
  • Try to ensure you have a way to do AoE damage – either through bombs or some sort of orb (pierce for example).

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High Rise

The Game

High Rise is a minimalist merge puzzle game by smpl Games. The concept of the game is very simple – place coloured blocks on a grid, place 2 same size blocks next to each other and they’ll merge. Keep placing blocks around the merged ones and they’ll keep merging provided the number of surrounding blocks matches the height of the already merged block. Sometimes you will get 2 high blocks with 2 different colours so you have to be even more strategic with where you place them. The game offers a variety of grid sizes to play in with the smallest being a 3×3 and the largest being a 7×7. There are also a variety of colours to play in and the largest setting allows a zen mode. The game is lost when you have filled all possible positions and no more merges are possible.

Worth it?

The game is very aesthetic and beautifully simple. It also includes a “pay as much as you want” option to purchase which is a nice touch. The ads aren’t overly intrusive on the free version, but for as little as £1.99 you can support the developers and purchase this great time killing game. It’s a perfect fit for portrait mode and works well offline as well. It’s a great game for short stints when you need to kill 5-10 minutes or if you want a slightly longer session you can play on the 7×7 grid. It’s a very relaxing and quite addictive concept and definitely worth checking out.


  • Avoid placing blocks in the middle early on
  • Plan ahead and think about how you can chain a merge
  • Keep blocks of the same colour in the same area of the grid – avoiding mixing too many colours in close proximity
  • When given the option to remove buildings prioritise tall buildings or ones blocking you from making a merge

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Isle of Arrows

The Game

Isle of Arrows developed by Gridpop is a card based tower defence game made by a single developer. The game presents a fairly simple concept of randomised cards that allow you to place new paths or towers onto your island (also randomised each game) and defend against the incoming waves of enemies. There are 5 different classes that can be played, each with different abilities or lack thereof. Aesthetically it’s a pleasing simple low poly and pastel colour palette.

Between each wave you are presented with a new free card to place and can purchase more additional cards for an extra 2 gold. Some cards will have water tiles attached which require some forethought and strategy when being placed as removing them isn’t always easy. There are also random events and relics that can help or hinder you as you progress through the game. As you build up your reserve of cash, every 10 gold, you will earn an extra 1 gold per wave (ie if you have 10 gold, you will get +2 each wave, if you have 30+ gold you will get +4 each wave). There are 3 main game modes to play: Campaign which features 4 main areas, Gauntlet which presents increasing difficulty and challenges and a daily defence challenge.

Worth it?

Isle of Arrows is both an an aesthetically pleasing and beautifully simple game with a good amount of depth and some potential for further development and features. The PC version will set you back around £10, whereas the mobile version is around £5. The game has a few core levels and the gauntlet and daily challenge give some additional gameplay options after you’ve completed those – it would be nice to see even more cards and areas added in the future. Some more customisable game modes would also be interesting, for example custom card/event/relic selection or increased random event frequency. There is a slight issue when trying place paths that may end in a solid block (or blowing them up with bombs).

Overall the game is nicely balanced, providing a good challenge while also remaining fun and interesting. There’s a good deal of gameplay to get stuck into, the game can be played offline and in portrait – making it a perfect mobile game and definitely worth


  • Try not too spend too much money until you reach around 30 gold, then you can spend each turn provided you don’t dip under 30 gold, so you can ensure you’re getting +4 gold per turn.
  • Think about where you’re placing towers and paths and how they’ll be affected in by future cards.
  • When you get a 2nd or 3rd spawn point added, you can get away for 1-2 waves before you need to add more towers or paths to them – just ensure you don’t overinvest in them, but also be weary of leaving them unprotected – in an ideal scenario you want them to come close to your existing towers and paths.
  • Try and place traps on corners where they can hit at least 2 paths, likewise try and maximise the number of paths that each tower hits.
  • High ground can be very useful with most towers to increase their hit areas.
  • Not all cards are worth placing – gardens or cards with water tiles can make the late game quite difficult if you don’t have enough bombs to remove them.

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Planet Coaster – Console Edition

The Game

Planet Coaster developed by Frontier Developments was released in 2016 and saw a lot of success since then as a spiritual successor to RollerCoaster Tycoon. The game did so well it was followed up with Planet Zoo in 2019. As should be obvious from the title, the game is all about managing a theme park and building some truly amazing rollercoasters. The game’s campaign mode has 12 scenarios with 3 objectives in each. Generally this takes around 10-15 hours to complete, after which you can look at challenge mode maps where you have to manage your own park by starting out with a limited amount of cash and building up from there. Alternatively if you just want to mess around or build without the limitations of cash you can always try the sandbox mode.

The game offers a huge variety of of coasters and theming options. From classic wooden and children coasters all the way to high speed steel winged coasters with inversions and loops. The themes also include classics like pirate, adventure, spooky, sci-fi and festive. The theme editor allow for the creation of highly detailed and unique scenery, there is also a Frontier workshop showcasing some of the finest creations by other players that you can add to your own collection and use in your own parks. The workshop also features various parks and rollercoaster designs uploaded by others, however you may find that quite a few of these aren’t compatible with console due to the more limited performance.

Worth it?

Considering the game came out in 2016 it has held up very well and as the console version was a little more recent it will still set you back around £17-20 if you get it on sale. As for the PC version you can find CD Keys for around £5-10 which is definitely worth doing. The game is an amazing playground in which to let your creative juices flow. The editor allows for some truly awe-inspiring builds and the only limit is one’s patience and imagination. Naturally the PC version will always be superior due to access to the steam workshop – this is issue is slightly alleviated for consoles by the presence of the Frontier workshop, although even then certain maps or builds won’t work on your console. Controls have been fairly well adapted for console, although when creating more detailed props/scenes it can be a bit tricky at times. The new approach to theming and the way props and decorations are created really do make this game stand out and cement is place in a long line of theme park simulation games.


  • Some props are grid based others can be freely placed – you can tell these apart by the grid in the background of the image.
  • If a ride’s queue scenery is at 100% you can charge the maximum for tickets (this will still depend on the ride’s prestige).
  • Sending staff on training courses will boost their happiness, but will also mean you need to probably raise their salary.
  • You can smooth a ride out by selecting a part and then selecting adjacent ones by holding X (PS) – you can then select the smooth option from the quick action menu.
  • Free camera allows you to zoom in and look at things even closer.
  • Make sure your staff rooms are within a reasonable distance for staff.
  • Use work rosters to manage where and how your staff work – especially useful for janitors.
  • After around 10 year of operating a ride will become a “Classic” meaning it will be at its highest prestige level – allowing you to charge the most you can for it.
  • A good rollercoaster with high values and good prestige can charge around $20-25. Whereas flat rides will vary from around $7-15 depending on the ride.

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Marvel Snap

The Game

Marvel have joined the world of online multiplayer card games with their entry – Marvel Snap, published by Nuverse. The game is card collection and battling game which lets you collect all your favourite Marvel superheroes and villains and put your skills to the test against other players. The actual battles are quite simple and most importantly for a mobile game – quick to play. Each game has 3 locations at which players put their cards. All 3 locations start out hidden with one revealing each of the first 3 turns. Each location will be randomised and have some sort of modifier that can apply to specific cards, the entire location or even the entire game. Players need to try and win 2 out of 3 locations to win the game where each card’s power contributes to the player’s score at a specific location.

The stakes are then raised even more with the snap mechanic – this allows players to up the amount of rank points they get from each game or to force their opponent to retreat early. Winning a normal game would grant 2 points towards the next rank, if one player has snapped that doubles to 4, if both players have snapped it goes all the way up to 8. The game features daily missions that are drip fed every few hours, all sorts of card variants and the ability to upgrade the appearance of your cards. Upgrading cards is also the way players can progress their collection level allowing them to unlock new and powerful cards.

Worth it?

The game concept and mechanics are brilliantly simple yet effective. The duration of the game is probably it’s strongest point – 6 turns (around 3 minutes) present an excellent challenge and even though you sometimes feel like you could do with a turn or two more, pulling off the perfect combo in 6 turns is highly satisfying. The game is extremely fast paced and can turn in an instant. The Snap mechanic also adds an element of player tactics and mind games. There are a few areas where some improvement could be made like access to stats, new mission frequency, perhaps a 30/30 weekly missions target, ability to add and battle friends or view and compare collections. There is also potential for some more weird and wacky weekly game modes with crazy combos – similar to the tavern brawls in Hearthstone.

Overall it’s a great addition to mobile card games and is a truly mobile game in terms of game length – giving it an edge against competition like Hearthstone, Legends of Runeterra or Gwent. While there’s no explicit pay to win, paying for Season/Battle Pass can help speed up progress towards upgrading and unlocking new cards, although at £8.99 it is fairly difficult to justify. The visual upgrading of cards is a nice reward for using them more frequently and the rainbow variants ensures there’s always something to be upgrading and grinding for. The game’s high production value and addictive gameplay make it ideal for both long grinds or quick time-killing sessions.


  • Try not to fill a location too early in the game, especially if you have no way of buffing those cards
  • You should be able to create an early Ongoing deck quite quickly to get you through the early ranks
  • Only spend credits on upgrading your cards (getting them through the shop is more expensive)
  • Spend your gold on credits
  • The higher tier the card upgrade the more it will cost and the more points it will give you
  • Theme decks around key mechanics and 1-2 really good synergies, and a couple smaller ones
  • You can sometimes snap on the last turn if you’ve already ended your turn but the opponent hasn’t – particularly useful if you have forgotten to snap
  • You can copy and paste deck codes to share with friends (share button in deck creation)
  • Play with different decks, experiment – don’t feel precious about ranks (unless someone has snapped)
  • The higher your collection level the rarer the cards you will get – Collection Level 486+ is where the Series Five/Ultra Rare cards are found
  • Once you have fully upgraded a card you can infinity split it for a new variant (aka a foil) you can keep splitting your new variants for even rarer foils – check out the guide linked below for more information.

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